Just a quick note to wish all a happy and safe holiday season, or in the immortal words of Krusty the Klown, "have a merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah, a kwaazy Kwanza, a tip-top Tet, and a solemn, dignified, Ramadan. And now a word from MY god, our sponsors!"
We rang in the holiday season last night with a holiday dinner at Paper Moon Diner and visit to Hampden's annual lights-travaganza featuring more low wattage bulbs, animatronic Santas, and stuff that screams "It's Freaking Festive!" than you can shake a stick at. For the full effect check out our
Flickr set from the evening. But here are some of my faves...

That's our daughter Ryan doing her best Cindy Lou Who impression.

Ryan deep in conversation with
THG contributor and
Smile Hon, You're in Baltimore editor WP Tandy. Oh yeah, the new issue of
Smile Hon is out now and looks fabulous, so get on over to
Eight Stone Press HQ for all the ordering info.

Admittedly, my mind tended to wander during Catholic school religion class. But I
definitely don't recall Mary and Joseph having Jesus in a gingerbread house.

Yes, that's a giant projection screen on the rooftop showing Bob Clark's seminal holiday fave A CHRISTMAS STORY. Overhead while walking past: "As soon as I heard my new boss didn't like that movie I knew I wouldn't like working for him."

And, yes, those are Schlitz Beer Can holiday lights hanging from the porch.

But nothing says Christmas Baltimore-Style like a Natty Boh and Old Bay Xmas tree.
From all of us here at
The Hungover Gourmet,
Exploitation Retrospect and
The Klaus Kinski Files, best wishes for the holiday season!
I did love the Natty-Boh-Old-Bay Christmas tree. But is it just me, or did they not to seem to care so much about their lights on 34th street this year? I don't know, it just seemed to loose its "groove" to me. Still lovely, but not as good as last year.
Away in a gingerbread house
No crib for His bed
The little Lord Jesus
Laid down His sweet head
I read this 'blog religiously, too!
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