We'll find out on July 28th when three members of the Baltimore Orioles – pitcher Jeremy Guthrie, second baseman Brian Roberts and catcher Gregg Zaun – battle in the ESPN Zone's kitchen stadium for a chance to see their signature dish on the restaurant's menu.
The inaugural Oriole Cook-Off will take place at the ESPN Zone in the Inner Harbor on Tuesday, July 28, 2009 starting at 11:30 AM (doors open at 11). The contestants will have 30 minutes to put together their signature dish and have it judged by a panel that includes the players' wives. Dishes will be judged on taste, presentation, and creativity and the winner will receive a prize package and his signature dish will be added to ESPN Zone’s menu.
Fans interested in attending the Orioles Cook-Off can purchase tickets by calling 410-685-3776 ext. 223 or by emailing comments@espnzone.com. Tickets cost $50 for adults and $30 for kids 12 and under. Admission includes a lunch buffet, an ESPN Zone game card and autographed giveaways. Fans will also have the opportunity to ask the players questions and win assorted prizes, including the aprons off the players’ backs.
Proceeds from this event will benefit the Maryland Food Bank. Guests are also encouraged to bring canned food to donate.
Look for THG's full report on the festivities later this month.
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