Friday, February 27, 2009

VIDEO: Burger King Burger Shots... The Big Reveal

I believe, in reality design show parlance, this is what they call "the reveal"...


Synd-e said...

In the gadget world, it's called "unboxing".

Whateves. They still look totally foul. And I'm distracted by that stay pickle that didn't make it onto a bun.

Dan said...

I wouldn't rate 'em as "foul" but I'm not hurrying back to get them again. They would not win a Quickfire Challenge, that's for sure. Though I'm almost ashamed to admit I ate all six.

Anonymous said...

The best part was you opening the box gracefully with your left hand only. That takes some skills, bro.

Dan said...

Thanks Harriet... I briefly considered cheating and opening the box then putting it back in the bag but damnit, this is reality we're talking about!

Douglas A. Waltz said...

Looks like we need to get Dan a tripod or something :0). And a running commentary would hsve been fun with this, plus you eating one would have been the icing on the cake.

Dan said...

Sounds like Doug has forgotten what it takes to get things done with a 21-month old in the house. I had to shoot the video, grab some pictures, wolf the burgers down and write up a review before she woke up. Screw the tripod and commentary...!

Douglas A. Waltz said...

I am thankful that my youngest is 8.