And what better way to go out than with a celebration of America's favorite legal drug, coffee! Our contributors celebrate – and trash, in some cases – the morning cup of joe that helps open our eyes and make us productive, or at least functioning, members of society. Check out contributions from THG regulars like WP Tandy, Aj Michel, Davida Gypsy Brier, Tom Crites and John Taylor as well as Deborah Stultz, Dara Bujon, Catherine Harris and many more.
It's not all coffee enemas and Dunkin' Donuts as we send THG into the great zine library in the sky... Bryan Senn weighs in with thoughts from The Beer Snob while THG's editor-in-chief looks at Budweiser Chelada and explains the reasons behind killing off the print edition of the zine.
But wait – in the words of the late, great Billy Mays – there's more! THG goes out not with a whimper but a resounding BANG! as the one and only Louis Fowler takes the Big Lots Challenge and finds out if one man really can survive on nothing but Rap Snacks, Guava Nectar and Toddler Cuisine... it's a fitting coda to 12 years of the food newsletter that's guaranteed to give you heartburn! (DISCLAIMER: Heartburn not guaranteed.)
So what are you waiting for?! Pre-order your copy now and be the first on your block to have THG #11: The Super-Sized Final Issue!
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