Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Stuffed Baked Pork Chops from The Secret of Better Taste (1966)

To quote the great Jenny Meyer, "it's got raisins in it ... you like raisins". And, like everything in 'The Secret of Better Taste: The Angostura Cook Book', the recipe for Stuffed Baked Pork Chops also includes bitters. Beach Party Deviled Eggs? Bitters. Midnight Scramble? Bitters. Lettie's Liver Soup? Bitters. Anyday Grapefruit? You guessed it, bitters. I'm not sure what I admire most about this one: the illustrations and design or the commitment to the brand. (Published by The Angostura-Wuppermann Corp., Elmhurst, NY, 1966). Click picture for full size image. – Dan Taylor

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