Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Frankfurters Go "High Hat" in Economy Salad from PET Milk Company (1939)

Mary Lee Taylor of the Pet Milk Experimental Kitchen makes a return appearance ... for a couple reasons. First, the holidays are coming up and we could all use a few extra pennies in our pockets. Second, I’m almost finished reading ‘Raw Dog’ by Jamie Loftus, so I’ve got frankfurters, wieners, and hot dogs dancing through my head. Granted, it was tough to pass up the “most unusual and delicious sauce” touted in the Salmon Casserole recipe, but when you introduce the Economy Salad recipe by saying “Frankfurters go ‘high hat’…”, I’m like putty in your hands. Click image for full size picture. (‘Delicious Wholesome Meals for 2 or 4 or 6’, Pet Milk Company, 1939). — Dan Taylor

#vintage #vintagerecipes #hotdogs #frankfurters #vintagecookbooks

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