Wednesday, April 03, 2019

FOOD COURT: PA Man Sent Over the Edge Due to Crushed Chips

According to police reports, a Pennsylvania man was "having a bad day" when he was sent over the edge by an indifferent cashier who bagged canned goods atop his chips.

A flip remark from the cashier...
set Bower off and he allegedly put his hand around the cashier’s throat and pushed him against a cash register, all while shouting, “You idiot!”
I would advise against this guy ever shopping at ALDI where certain cashiers fling your yogurts, canned goods, meat, paper products, pepperoni snacks, block cheese and more into the cart like they're trying to establish some sort of land speed record or just "tryna clock out".

Read about the whole grisly affair at Huffington Post or the York Dispatch. – Dan Taylor (Thanks to Dave Wright for the tip!)

Dan Taylor is the editor/publisher of The Hungover Gourmet and points to things like this when asked why he prefers to bag his own groceries.

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