Monday, January 09, 2023

Florida Celery Fingers from The Magic of Florida Celery (date unknown)

As I've mentioned, I have a collection of thousands of advertising recipe pamphlets dating back to the early 1900s (and even a handful of older ones). For some of the folks tasked with putting these together–I'm looking at you Pillsbury and Betty Crocker–it had to have been like shooting fish in a barrel. But pity the poor folks who had to create 'The Magic of Florida Celery' (Florida Celery Industry, Orlando, Florida, date unknown). It's a lovely 20-page piece with full-color photos and fun facts/tips about nature's toothbrush ("Use a celery stalk for scraping the sides of your blender."), but no amount of Oriental lanterns, chopsticks, decorative tea sets and horseshoes can disguise the fact that the main ingredient of all these dishes is, well, celery. But enough of my yapping, you're going to need to rush to the store if you're going to whip up some Florida Celery Fingers and Florida Celery Pinwheels for tonight's National Championship Game. Click picture for full size image. – Dan Taylor

#celery #celeryrecipes #vintage #vintagerecipes #cookbooks #vintagecookbooks #recipeoftheday

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